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種子計劃 SEEDS Project

種子計劃旨在培育同學的創意才能,提高同學的美學欣賞能力,豐富同學的藝術創作知識,了解各門專業的工作性質,提供平台讓同學互動交流。  我為這個項目設計了各項宣傳品,包括主要視覺、海報、宣傳單張、開幕禮影片及裝置。

HKBU Academy of Film Seeds Project aims to enhance the artistic knowledge and unlocks the creative potential of secondary school students, nurturing their professional skills in digital video production.

In this project, I designed several materials include key visual, poster, leaflet, opening ceremony gimmick and motion graphic.

年份 Year  |2018

客戶 Client 香港浸會大學電影學院 Academy of Film, HKBU


01. 主視覺 / Key Visual


This year's theme is "Imagination Unlimited". There is a plain illustration of Hong Kong in greyscale. There is also an eye at the centre and It is a fantasy world inside. It symbolises the students' views, imaginations and potential in making creative film.  

02. 摺疊型海報及單張 / Zine-Folded Poster & Leaflet.


The poster can be zine-folded and become a leaflet. The leaflet is in a "space" theme. It symbolises that the readers go into the fantasy world and get to know more information.

03. 開幕禮海報 / Ceremony Poster


The poster for the ceremony is in the same theme as the key visual. At the same time, The "eye" turns into the still of the film which will be shown in the screening and sharing section.

04. 開幕禮裝置 / Gimmick.


The gimmick is a rocket, which is in the same design as the one in the key visual. When the guests throw the capsule into it, the LED lights and the animation will be triggered. The animation is about the rocket alighting on Hong Kong and the environment turns into a fantasy world. The projection image comes out finally.

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